Wall Sections
Maybe our street art gallery could expand to sell other wall prototypes- decorative screens from short-lived restaurant ventures, student funded architecture graduate school project constructions, speculative and experimental prototypes derived from the current revolution in parametric modelling and 3d printing. Maybe even discarded prototypes from the Mexican border wall. . . pieces of the Berlin wall. Scratched and vandalized walls from defunct and iconic NYC institutions, CBGBs, the Mars Bar, Chumley’s.
A wall section is about capturing a moment in time, a slice through a construction. Our wall Architects draw these to explain the desired construction of a building. If the wall section was based on an actual section, it would be messier, you would see the uneven mortar joints of brick, the successive layers and thicknesses of paint, dirt. Water from a recent storm, dripping off metal flashing. And zooming in further, each surface is revealed as being multiple surfaces. A front and a back, each with its own front and back, printing on the front of the poster, adhesive on the back. . . the edge condition between glue and paper. The molecules that become ink.
The wall section changes, second by second. Especially after acts of vandalism where a new sedimentary layer is deposited, waiting to be unearthed by a precise slice.